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TypeScript Types: The Any Type

In this post you will learn how to use the any type in TypeScript, and most importantly - how to use it properly.

The any type allows us to assign literally “any” particular value to that variable, simulating what we know as plain JavaScript - where types can dynamically be assigned from different types, such as a String value becoming a Number.

It’s a common “easy-fix” to declare types as any, and through proper understanding of the type we can make the right decisions on when to use the any type.

The any type should really be used when we don’t actually know what type is actually coming back to us. This could be, for example, through a function argument that’s part of a third-party library and it doesn’t have any type definitions, as it could have been written in plain JavaScript and not TypeScript perhaps.

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Typically, we know what the shape of the data structure or the arguments or a response looks like. However, in cases that we don’t know what the shape of something looks like, we want to know that the any type is available for us to use.

The Any type

Let’s assume that we have a let statement (a let statement allows us to reassign a value whereas a const does not) and we’ll say that the variable identifier is coupon, and give it no type:

let coupon;

If we were to hover over this in our IDE we would see that it would say let coupon: any, this is what we call an inferred type. We are letting TypeScript infer the type for us, instead of declaring it. This practice is called implicit typing. If we add a type ourselves, such as let coupon: any;, that’s explicit typing.

As we’re using the let keyword, we can essentially override whatever the value might be with any kind of type - acting more like plain JavaScript.

In plain JavaScript, we can assign any particular value to any particular variable, and we can also pass through any particular function argument and return any value from a function.

If we were to assign a number to the coupon, it would indeed work. If we hover over coupon in our IDE however, we would still have an any type even though the value is a number!

// implicit typing, inferred as "any"
let coupon;

coupon = 26;

Even though it holds the value of a number, TypeScript does not change the any type to something else (such as number). If we don’t supply a type, it will be of type any by default.

When to use Any in TypeScript

Use the any type when there are no other options, and there are no type definitions available for that particular piece of code you’re working with.

For instance, if our coupon was perhaps a variable from some place other than the code we’ve written, it could be expecting either a string, number, or even boolean.

These are all entirely possible and valid values for a coupon variable, depending on scenario:

let coupon: any;

coupon = 26;
coupon = 'DEAL26';
coupon = true;

There you have it. When to use the any type, when you have no other option. And yes, we know, you can use it if you want to - but good habits create better code and proper type definitions will greatly benefit any codebase.

Using noImplicitAny in tsconfig.json

In your tsconfig.json, you can be smarter and completely disable the potential of a leaving a type implicitly typed (such as let coupon;):

  "compilerOptions": {
    "noImplicitAny": true

With noImplicitAny set to true, we will see a nice nudge from TypeScript to say “Hey, we agreed you weren’t going to do this!” if you decide not to type something, it’ll want you to add :any.

There’s also another, shorter, way to enable noImplicitAny under the relatively new strict option:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true

The complete list of options that strict will enable for us:

These options can all still be configured individually.

Remember, you can also use the command-line flags such as --strict or --noImplicitAny. Feel free to reference the full list of Compiler Options.


The valuable takeaway here is that the any type can save us in moments where needed, but it shouldn’t be used without valid reason. We can also aim towards a better codebase through reducing occurences of an implicitly typed any.

Another valid use case for why you should use the any type could be if you’re migrating a JavaScript project over to TypeScript, you may have some dynamic variables to which you assign different types to throughout a program - as you build up your own Types and Interfaces for the project.

Either way, I hope this post was useful and you learned a few new things - there’s lots more to learn with us over at Ultimate Courses, I’m the proud author of two TypeScript Courses, from beginner to advanced level (things you have seen in the documentation and thought “yikes”).

I’d love it if you would check them out!

Happy coding!

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